Erik Schouten

Results 19 comments of Erik Schouten

Brainspin: with WASM and WASI growing and maturing, can't we just compile to WebAssembly?

While the solutions of @jespeche and @joffrey-bion works for serialization, for deserialization I found Jackson not knowing what to do with the wrapper tags. I solved it like this ```kotlin...

IMO, instead of developing intermediate solutions to ease use of Dukat now, we should aim for a functional Dukat release where solutions like these are not needed. You could always...

I am a new user aswell, but this is my take on it Basic application: Official LibUI repository: Documentation for Golang bindings:

+1, especially useful when communicating with Javascript-based systems

As for my expectations of the JSON support, I'd say reading and writing would be the main focus in order to support non-XML supporting clients. Since PH-UBL validates the Java...

@Penait1 Since the other Ethereumbackend supported by this library, EthereumJ, is deprecated, you could also use Web3j directly, it's fairly similar.

It's indeed very important to think about handling chain re-orgs. The main problem I can think of handling these is; How do applications implementing Propeller process these reverts in their...

Implementing the confirmations into the call itself is a possibility, another one would be adding it to the EthereumConfig class which is used to configure the EthereumFacade. All non-constant calls...

I can agree with setting confirmation time per call, downside would be; this confirmation time will be needed to set in every instance of the codebase where this function is...