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GWAS Catalog Ontology and Curation Infrastructure
A user requested that we enable sort by trait in the search UI tables, to make the data easier to scan by eye. This _should_ be enabled for both reported...
We only need the globus endpoints for summary stats submission, but they are still created for metadata only submissions. Globus endpoints are created with a call from the deposition service...
The background trait field is already there: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/docs/file-downloads (All studies v1.0.3) but needs to be populated with the background trait value.
Usually when ANCESTRY.ANCESTRAL_GROUP is given as NULL, it is displayed on the REST API and search UI as 'NR', e.g. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/rest/api/studies/GCST009376 and https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/studies/GCST009376. ``` ancestries: [ { type: "initial", numberOfIndividuals:...
For example GCST90000255 --> study id 61975933 and 61986790. There should be a one to one relationship but here we have one to two. These studies were some of the...
Currently, users are required to enter README text for each set of summary statistics into a single cell in the submission template. This seems to be inconvenient and to cause...
A number of users have requested the possibility to use the command line to upload multiple files into Globus at the same time (w/o sumstats having to go through personal...
Curators can "unpublish" studies in order to edit them and then "republish" them. The housekeeping table stores values such as the date these event occurred as well as a boolean...
Since deployment of there are some bugs in the display of the data tables (studies, samples, associations) on the import page e.g. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/curation/submissions/625dbb2d0b24d90001d11e65? 1. Table should display a blank field...
The ftp password should be changed periodically for security reasons. identify all places in the software that use the pw for programmatic ftp access, and then request the change from...