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GWAS Catalog Ontology and Curation Infrastructure
Curators have several scripts that are used routinely, documented here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/display/GOCI/Using+the+Codon+Cluster This page needs updating with any changes to usage following the migration to SLURM.
GWAS Ingest Service https://github.com/EBISPOT/gwasdepo-ingest-service
As a curator, I need to be able to export offline copies of all tables displayed in the depocuration UI: - [ ] Submissions - [ ] Studies - [...
As part of investigating issue [https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/gwas-59df823c4a6feb3786810391/issues/gh/ebispot/goci/1218](https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/gwas-59df823c4a6feb3786810391/issues/gh/ebispot/goci/1218) we have found that the studies for 2 submissions '6504680ce6cd8200013a05f6' and '5f697cd6a54daa00013cf263' have been duplicated . As part of resolution we plan to reupload...
Aim: Curator can modify/add some metadata in the curation database/depo-curation e.g. add an EFO to a study, add a pmid to study, change the readme, and these changes will be...
As a user, I want to know which files have been harmonised in the old format and which have been harmonised in the new format. This information could be included...
As a user, I would like the option to view "SNPs passing QC" in the study table. This give me the ability to easily judge the power of the study....