
Results 123 comments of Larefly

Currently no unit test for helper functions to check new aws services and count number of operations with each service. Will add them over the weekend.

@davidkretch When you have time can you have a quick look over this approach

The best method I have found so far is: ``` write_bin

It looks like `R 4.0.0` may look into fixing `writeBin`:

Just found a possible alternative. `readr` has a function `write_file` that allows `raw` to be written out to file. So for example: ``` library(readr) write.csv(iris, "iris.csv") # Raw object obj

Here is the performance test using `microbenchmark` ``` library(readr) library(microbenchmark) # creating some dummy data for testing X

I reached out to the author of `qs`, he kindly wrote some `Rcpp` code and did a benchmark test . Just looping you guys in just in case you...

Hi @selkamand, Would something like this solve your issue? ```r s3 = paws::s3() stream

If you don't want to do it 1 step i.e. download file to memory and upload you can do it using the multipart upload method. Something like this: ```r library(httr2)...