
Results 123 comments of Larefly

RAthena v-2.6.0 has been released on the cran. Let me know if your still having the endpoint_override issue.

Closing this as paws.common 0.5.2 supports this :)

Closing this ticket due to 0.2.0 has been released to the cran

Hi @wlandau I will raise this up in my priority list :) (should really write that down :P). With the up and coming `paginate` functions we has some basic retry...

I believe I will need to dig into the resource @davidkretch highlighted above, as it doesn't seem as straight forward as retrying http 5xx errors ( > Transient errors (HTTP...

Aye http 400 is going to be a pain. I will take sometime looking at how to implement this after I finish the paws.common 0.6.0 cran release. Side note (you...

I might be going crazy but I believe this "should" be fairly easy to implement. I have raised draft PR: Currently it implements the standard retry mode described in:...

Closing as paws.common 0.6.0 has been released onto the cran

@hadley @davidkretch sorry for taking so long to address this issue. ## Original ```r svc

Ok the only issue we have now is credentials is a list parameter and is doesn't support auto-compelete. After chatting with @davidkretch `paws.common` has a nifty class called `struct` that...