
Results 123 comments of Larefly

`dbListTables` calls AWS Glue service to get the Catalog quicker than AWS Athena :) as you haven't overwritten AWS Glue endpoint that should work as normal :) It looks like...

Sorry I might of missed somehting. Are you getting the error in `R` when using this endpoint ""? But it works fine in pyathenajdbc? Or are you using your vpc...

Have you tried using `pyathena`? `pyathena` and `RAthena` both use `boto3` to make the connection to AWS Athena so it should be more comparable. Let me know your results :)

@aoyh did it work for pyathena? or did you get a similar error to RAthena?

Thanks for doing that investigation @aoyh. From the looks of it `pyathena` and `RAthena` suffer the same issue regarding IAM role not having enough permissions for you, which is good...

@aoyh there is an R package that uses the jdbc driver `AWR.Athena`. that might be able to help you out, instead of having to use pyathenajdbc to do the same...

I will do an initial release of the endpoint_override feature. In the meantime i will have to open up the athena jdbc to see what is the difference. From my...

@aoyh I have done some tweaking to the implementation of the `endpoint_override`, plus I have added some unit tests to check if the `endpoint` is getting correctly passed to `boto3.client`....

General notes for completeness .... It looks like [`awswrangler`]( passes `endpoint_url` to `boto3.client`, similar to the method `RAthena` and `pyathena` do. Which is reassuring that `RAthena` is doing it correctly....