
Results 23 issues of DuendeInexistente

Could there be an option to show the album art (Maybe darkened) behind visualizations?

help wanted

I did several edits on the eng translation because it's the one that others would pressumably be based on. I also attached several comments, but since I don't know if...

Is it possible to add tab support to azpainter? I can open multiple windows, but that creates issues if you change settings in only one of them.


#### Description of the problem Page Up/Page Down are supposed to move up and down layers, but if the layer list was clicked on (Not the buttons in the windowlet,...

#### Description of the problem Mypaint regularly crashes when drawing a line. It's always an XCB error. #### Basic system details MyPaint version:Appimage g1ad2022 Operating system: Ubuntu Artful Desktop environment:XFCE...

Like so ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20157727/138803091-153cc665-6f99-4967-9d96-b3c960c5209d.png) And the text in the floating window changes depending on what menu item I have selected

Do footnotes have any css name/selector -I don't actually know what are they called, I jut realized- that I could poke at to change their styling from my custom css...

It's the one glaringly missing feature, notifications. Also an Unread Messages banner on the server list like Discord has.

feature request

I cloned and built the repo, but it fails to load the shaders. [The whole log](https://gist.github.com/DuendeInexistente/17fd955f47c66a4c5a477e7587d8e13b) is read weirdly by markdown, but here's the error: ``` [INFO] [RENDERER] Loading shader...

ready for adoption

Trying to compile in ubuntu gives me this error. I bypassed it by disabling the compilation of tools in cmakecache.txt. ``` /usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file ObjToTGAConverter: Is a directory...