Duane O'Brien

Results 22 issues of Duane O'Brien

I thought it might be useful to provide a link to the Ignite Workshop materials that we released at PayPal a couple years ago. There's a lot of guidance in...

There are enough job descriptions here now that we should reorganize them so that they can be easily searched. Two potential ways we could do this: - Put them into...

We should write down some of the unwritten rules that we use when capturing. Specifically: - Don't capture benefits information or company boilerplate text - How to use markdown consistently...

We should add the pitch deck to the repo, or at least link out to it as a resource.

Much of the content in the Readme is duplicated in the Playbook. We should do a content sprint to reduce the duplicated content, and focus the readme on an executive-summary...

We should follow Microsoft's example and link to other FOSS Funds

We should add a list of past recipients, and establish a basic format that others could use to also report out on their recipients.

If the Issue Collector finds issues that aren't within the date window, githubMardown.md is generated with the project headers but no issues, which looks like a bug. We should either...

good first issue
first timers only

Because of the way the GitHub Action is currently configured, we're not able to turn on branch protection for Mariner and have the action complete successfully. We should configure the...

good first issue

In the generateConfluenceMarkdown.js file, if all the issues that are found are older than the max issue age, the dependency is still output, but with no issues. We should only...