Duane O'Brien

Results 7 comments of Duane O'Brien

Looking at this a little bit, it looks like this may no longer be an issue? If I'm reading it right, it looks like you've created abbreviations for MM or...

Some of the intent behind Starts Early was to avoid the bad pattern of someone showing up on behalf of an organization with a significant feature and large pull request,...

Proposing a stylistic rewrite for Josep's text: "You might be tempted to start by making contributions right away. This is rarely the best approach to establish a good long-lasting relationship...

This is not limited to Windows, I'm again struggling to get this working on OS X. Previously, I've been able to get it to work after installing RVM as well,...

+1 to both of these suggestions.

Thanks for the issue @gtback Context for SC, I didn't think we should make any of these changes during Work Day without discussing in the SC.

Materials to add: * [ ] Executive Summary * [ ] Pitch Slide Deck