### Preflight Checklist * [x] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( that this project adheres to. * [x] I have searched the issue tracker for a feature request...
### Preflight Checklist * [x] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( that this project adheres to. * [x] I have searched the issue tracker for a feature request...
### Preflight Checklist * [x] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( that this project adheres to. * [x] I have searched the issue tracker for a feature request...
Sorry but I couldn't get the code to run so I can't test this (probably just a result of my ignorance on all this, still super green when it comes...
All 4 files for Rev3's Top Plates don't have Encoder cutouts. 1. Kyria rev3 Top Plate - 0.1mm Kerf.dxf 2. Kyria rev3 Top Plate - No Kerf 3. Kyria rev3...