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iPad - Double-Click & Drag causes selection to break
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Describe the bug When using the trackpad on the magic keyboard case for the iPad and click-and-drag for selection, but only holding the trackpad down for selection after a double-click. While dragging the selection tool (holding down the mouse) items get highlighted de-highlighted VERY fast in a strobe like-fashion. Once releasing the trackpad the selection of items gets “stuck” or “broken”. By “selection”, I mean that blue boxes are put around each item that is supposed to be selected, as well as weird canvas-wide blue boxes, and there are not transformation tools on the selected items. aka, no orbs on the corners of the items. The double-click option is normally reserved for object-creation, so a window sometimes also pops up asking if I want to insert objects, such as text, circle, square, etc. I suspect this is also affected by mouse inputs, but I can’t test that at the moment. This issue is NOT the same as issue #2758, but it is adjacent.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- use an iPad using a magic keyboard case and it’s trackpad.
- Use a browser of Safari or Chrome, and navigate to draw.io
- double-click on the canvas but on the 2nd-click continue to hold down the trackpad to drag the selection across multiple items.
- Let go of the trackpad and the items will. be pseudo-selected. Surrounded by blue-boxes without transformation tools (orbs on the corners of selected items). and a dialog box opens listing various objects I can put into the document, such as: text, circle, square, etc.
Expected behavior Should just do a normal click-and-drag selection without the rabid flashing of blue across the entire stream. OR Object-creation menu.
draw.io version: 20.3.2
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: iOS on iPad, version 15.7
- Browser: Chrome version 150.0.5195.129 -Browser: Safari - version is tied to iOS version