
Results 7 issues of ❤是纱雾酱哟~

- [x] I confirm that this is an issue rather than a question. ## Bug report #### Steps to reproduce Security alerts by **GitHub Dependabot**, after pushing to the repository....

## Summary - **Metals** unable to start properly - Failed to connect with build server - Invoke `Metals: Restart server` & `Metals: Restart build server`, and both of them failed...

This is the first time I install and configure the project. According to [this section](https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT#instructions-for-ingesting-your-own-dataset), I HAVE to connect to the internet for downloading embeddings model. I DOES have an...

### 请确保您已阅读以上注意事项,并勾选下方的确认框。 - [X] 我确定这是一个从未被提出和实现过的功能。 - [X] 我已经在 [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/LiteLoaderQQNT/LiteLoaderQQNT/issues) 以及 [Pull Request](https://github.com/LiteLoaderQQNT/LiteLoaderQQNT/pulls) 中找过我要提出的功能,没有找到相同功能的ISSUE和PR。 - [X] 我已知晓并同意,此处仅用于建议新功能。若这个 Issue 是关于其他非主题的问题,则我的 Issue 可能会被无条件自动关闭或/并锁定。 - [X] 我已知晓并同意,如果我不按照模板提供的指示进行填写,则我的 Issue 可能会被无条件删除。 ### 需要添加的功能内容 我当前正在使用 [Lite...


## What happened? Currently, I'm using `pdm-project/setup-pdm@v4` for initializing PDM runtime and caching dependencies for my project (See [`build.yml`](https://github.com/Dragon1573/Tk-Nonogram/blob/4d7c2653e0c6897889343629cc4a0c8047950e05/.github/workflows/build.yaml#L37-L54)). According to the YAML, there should be 5 concurrent jobs running...

## Description According to [Available images - actions/runner-images](https://github.com/actions/runner-images/blob/main/README.md#available-images), `macos-latest` is currently tagged on _macOS 14 (Sonama) (arm64)_ runner image. However, according to [Action inputs - pdm-project/setup-pdm](https://github.com/pdm-project/setup-pdm?tab=readme-ov-file#action-inputs), users can only specify...

## 概述 @xugaoyi - 非常高兴你提供 _Vdoing_ 主题为我的站点提供了这么长的美化服务。 但在刚才,我决定将博客从 _Vuepress_ + _Vdoing_ 组合正式切换为 _Hexo_ + _Butterfly_ 组合。 ## 请求 请 [知识库兼博客](https://doc.xugaoyi.com/pages/5d571c/#%E7%9F%A5%E8%AF%86%E5%BA%93%E5%85%BC%E5%8D%9A%E5%AE%A2) 中的 [断桥烟雨の学习笔记](https://blog.dragon1573.wang/) 从 **案例** 中移除,因为它不再继续使用 _Vdoing_ 主题。
