
Results 45 comments of ❤是纱雾酱哟~

I quit VSCode and killed all `java.exe` processes in Windows Task Manager, then I test your EXTREMELY-LONG commands provided for me. Logs are as follows: Launch Bloop Server Manually ```text...

@tgodzik For `java.net.BindException`, I called `netstat -ano | find 8212` but got nothing (detailed IP address is masked for privacy). ```text Repository λ netstat -ano | grep 3306 TCP

Now I'm in the dormitory. The Hyper-V of my laptop is enabled before and I currently disabled it. Protocol TCP Port Exclution Ranges (Hyper-V Disabled) ```text Repos λ netsh interface...

Excuse me. What is "Named Socket" in your statements refer to? Is it the same usage as `mysql.sock` in MySQL Server on Linux?

Here's my reason why I need this feature: I'm currently using `EdrawSoft.EdrawMax` and `EdrawSoft.EdrawMind`. BUT my installed version is totally different from that in Winget! **EdrawMax** and **EdrawMind** stored in...

Official download link [here](https://kitedownloadss.b-cdn.net/windows/1.2021.610.0/KiteSetup.exe). This URL is currently available. Both **Microsoft Edge** and **Xunlei Thunder** can detect this URL and pop up download configuration panel for us. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49941141/155633369-e1b80219-e1db-4741-bbf3-615b0b7ec527.png) I'm going...

I found that there are plenties of providers in `faker.providers` and all of them have functional auto-completion. Is it possible to use these providers on our own instead of using...

@KaylaHood I try [your repo](https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs) and it works great on my device! Thank you! ## Environments - Microsoft Windows 11 Professional 22H2 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on WSL2 - Microsoft...

# 问题概述 在最新版本的 Dark Reader 暗黑模式下,脚本自身设置界面无法被 Dark Reader 黑化。 # 效果展示 > 多吉搜索(DogeDoge)已凉,无截图效果。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49941141/195846600-c903ffdb-0a21-4acf-85f6-613dfa3db681.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49941141/195846899-9bc7d0a1-d558-48c9-921b-ba9f08ffdef2.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49941141/195847049-c1243c5a-1431-440d-ac88-c0c607476a32.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/49941141/195847412-11a17471-6aa2-4df5-965d-9783607c033e.png)

> 平时都用什么 Markdown 编辑器? Typora 进入 v1.x 时代后,第一时间就从 Typora 换到了 MarkText ,可惜 MarkText 目前还在 v0.x 的 Beta 状态,国际化 i18n 被社区成员喊了3年没有任何消息,无奈之下还是重新回到了 Typora ,靠 v0.11.8 度日。 > 该项目(博客)可本地写作时实时渲染 Markdown 吗? 我现在用的是 Yarn...