faker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
faker copied to clipboard

Tab completion in interactive shell not working since Python version 3.8

Open CelestialGuru opened this issue 2 years ago • 51 comments

Tab autocomplete in python interactive shell unavailable when using Python versions 3.9, 3.10 or 3.11.

Python documents this feature: https://docs.python.org/3.11/tutorial/interactive.html#tab-completion-and-history-editing. (Docs here are the same in all versions of Python)


  • Faker version: 17.3.0
  • OS: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
OS versions
PS C:\Users\User> docker run -it --rm python:3.8 cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

PS C:\Users\User> docker run -it --rm python:3.9 cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

PS C:\Users\User> docker run -it --rm python:3.10 cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

PS C:\Users\User> docker run -it --rm python:3.11 cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

What used to work

# pip install faker=="17.3.0"
# python
>>> import faker
>>> fake = faker.Faker()
>>> fake.

Type [TAB] once or twice and you see this:

Display all 280 possibilities? (y or n)
fake.aba(                             fake.generator_attrs                  fake.pyfloat(
fake.add_provider(                    fake.get_arguments(                   fake.pyint(
fake.address(                         fake.get_formatter(                   fake.pyiterable(
... I've removed a whole bunch for brevity's sake.
fake.free_email(                      fake.psv(                             fake.zipcode_in_state(
fake.free_email_domain(               fake.pybool(                          fake.zipcode_plus4(
fake.future_date(                     fake.pydecimal(
fake.future_datetime(                 fake.pydict(
>>> fake.

What's broken

In Python 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11:

# pip install faker=="17.3.0"
# python
>>> import faker
>>> fake = faker.Faker()
>>> fake.

Type [TAB] once or twice and nothing happens.

CelestialGuru avatar Feb 03 '22 20:02 CelestialGuru

I've noticed that if I start typing a letter or two, autocomplete will start to work:

>>> fake.a
fake.aba()                     fake.address()                 fake.am_pm()                   fake.ascii_company_email()     fake.ascii_free_email()
fake.add_provider(             fake.administrative_unit()     fake.android_platform_token()  fake.ascii_email()             fake.ascii_safe_email()
>>> fake.b
fake.bank_country()     fake.bban()             fake.binary(            fake.boolean(           fake.bothify(           fake.bs()               fake.building_number()
>>> fake.c
fake.cache_pattern               fake.city_prefix()               fake.company_email()             fake.country_code(               fake.credit_card_security_code(  fake.currency()                  fake.current_country_code()
fake.catch_phrase()              fake.city_suffix()               fake.company_suffix()            fake.credit_card_expire(         fake.cryptocurrency()            fake.currency_code()
fake.century()                   fake.color(                      fake.coordinate(                 fake.credit_card_full(           fake.cryptocurrency_code()       fake.currency_name()
fake.chrome(                     fake.color_name()                fake.country()                   fake.credit_card_number(         fake.cryptocurrency_name()       fake.currency_symbol(
fake.city()                      fake.company()                   fake.country_calling_code()      fake.credit_card_provider(       fake.csv(                        fake.current_country()
>>> fake.d
fake.date(                     fake.date_of_birth(            fake.date_this_year(           fake.date_time_between_dates(  fake.date_time_this_year(      fake.dga(
fake.date_between(             fake.date_this_century(        fake.date_time(                fake.date_time_this_century(   fake.day_of_month()            fake.domain_name(
fake.date_between_dates(       fake.date_this_decade(         fake.date_time_ad(             fake.date_time_this_decade(    fake.day_of_week()             fake.domain_word()
fake.date_object(              fake.date_this_month(          fake.date_time_between(        fake.date_time_this_month(     fake.del_arguments(            fake.dsv(
>>> fake.e
fake.ean(    fake.ean13(  fake.ean8(   fake.ein()   fake.email(
>>> fake.e

So a workaround would be to just start typing a single letter before before hitting TAB, but I just want to see ALL attributes available at once.

CelestialGuru avatar Feb 03 '22 20:02 CelestialGuru

Could it possibly be an issue o Python 38 that got fixed in 3.9?

Either way, I'm not sure what we could do to fix this. I'm open to any ideas.

fcurella avatar Feb 04 '22 15:02 fcurella

I thought that if an object had too many attributes, that new versions of Python would not show all those attributes when you hit tab. Below I show that an object with ~17k attributes, in new version of Python, will still work as expected when you hit tab.

>>> import string
>>> Foo = type("Foo", (), {f"{a}{b}{c}":0 for a in string.ascii_lowercase for b in string.ascii_lowercase for c in string.ascii_lowercase})
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> len(dir(foo))
>>> foo. <tab> # I'm not going to show the output, but all 17,602 of them appear

So why then, does tab completion not work?

CelestialGuru avatar Feb 09 '22 01:02 CelestialGuru

Can anyone else replicate this?

I showed you how to run this in docker, so hopefully it should be easy enough to duplicate. (The issue can be demonstrated outside of docker btw)

CelestialGuru avatar Feb 09 '22 01:02 CelestialGuru

In Ubuntu 20.04 I can't replicate it with Python3.9 installed using APT from default repositories, but Python3.10 installed from deadsnakes PPA has this problem.

mondeja avatar Feb 09 '22 15:02 mondeja


  1. IntelliCode and Kite-AI Auto-completion not working in VSCode.

    Screenshot (Click to expand)
  2. Python Docs unavailable both in VSCode IntelliCode and Kite Copilot.

    Screenshots (Click to expand)
  3. Auto-completion available as it should in IPython, however …



  • Windows 10 Professional 21H2 (19044.1566)
  • Miniconda3, installed via winget.exe
    • conda 4.11.0
    • virutalenv 20.4.6
    • Python 3.9.7
      • Faker 13.0.0
      • IPython 8.1.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code 1.65.0 (system setup)
  • Kite Engine 1.2021.610.0
    • VSCode Plugin Installed
    • Vim Plugin Installed

Steps to reproduce

  1. Setup Python 3.9 or later version

    winget install Python.Python.3
  2. Install the latest version of Faker

  3. Installed the latest version of Microsoft Visual Studio Code

    winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
  4. Open an empty folder as a VSCode workspace, and create an empty *.py file

  5. Type in the following snippet

    from faker import Faker
    fake = Faker(locale='en_US')
  6. Invoke auto-completion (mostly Ctrl + Space) after the dot, check if all available methods are listed.

Expected Behavior

  1. All available methods should be listed, as it's shown in IPython Console.
  2. Python Docs are automatically fetched from local (or remote) when cursor on any one of Faker's class, instance or method.

Actual Behavior

As I mentioned before in "Summary" section.


Kite Engine and IntelliCode for VSCode are enabled and ready. It's not Kite or VSCode's fault.

Screenshot (Click to expand)

Dragon1573 avatar Mar 08 '22 08:03 Dragon1573

In Ubuntu 20.04 I can't replicate it with Python3.9 installed using APT from default repositories.

I'm using Docker Desktop for Windows with WSL2 backend. I followed the steps as what @CelestialGuru did before. When I type in a few characters it CAN auto-complete for me, but if I left it empty and invoke Tab just after the dot, nothing pop up.

Console Logs (too long, click to expand)
root@63d26b38d382:/# python
Python 3.9.10 (main, Mar  2 2022, 04:23:34)
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from faker import Faker
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> faker = Faker(locale="en_US")
>>> pprint(dir(faker))
>>> faker.c
faker.cache_pattern               faker.company_suffix(             faker.cryptocurrency_code(
faker.catch_phrase(               faker.coordinate(                 faker.cryptocurrency_name(
faker.century(                    faker.country(                    faker.csv(
faker.chrome(                     faker.country_calling_code(       faker.currency(
faker.city(                       faker.country_code(               faker.currency_code(
faker.city_prefix(                faker.credit_card_expire(         faker.currency_name(
faker.city_suffix(                faker.credit_card_full(           faker.currency_symbol(
faker.color(                      faker.credit_card_number(         faker.current_country(
faker.color_name(                 faker.credit_card_provider(       faker.current_country_code(
faker.company(                    faker.credit_card_security_code(
faker.company_email(              faker.cryptocurrency(
>>> faker.        # Invoke TAB several times, but nothing happened.

Dragon1573 avatar Mar 08 '22 09:03 Dragon1573

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] avatar Jun 07 '22 02:06 github-actions[bot]

I see the same problem on Python 3.9 in PyCharm. I wonder if this is just due to the high level of dynamism in Faker? I.e. attributes are added in via __getattribute__ so static type checkers cannot resolve them?

But makes the library a pain to use as not discoverable via IDE.

image These are the attributes I see on faker instance.

invokermain avatar Jun 09 '22 14:06 invokermain

I just filed a duplicate (missed this one) in #1684

Here's my completions as of faker 13.15.0, example:

from faker import Faker

def test_faker(faker: Faker):
    assert isinstance(faker.name(), str)

This example above is based on Pytest Fixture's examples, annotating with faker.Faker (as is common, see GitHub Search):


tony avatar Jul 18 '22 16:07 tony

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] avatar Oct 17 '22 02:10 github-actions[bot]

Everybody wants completions for faker

edit: I don't believe anybody specifically doesn't want it 😃

tony avatar Oct 17 '22 02:10 tony

I found that there are plenties of providers in faker.providers and all of them have functional auto-completion. Is it possible to use these providers on our own instead of using the "Proxy Class" faker.Faker? How can we use it?


Dragon1573 avatar Oct 17 '22 07:10 Dragon1573

I'm just commenting to say that I'd greatly appreciate this feature as well. I'd imagine it would be trivial to add a mypy stub or similar to declare all of the many provider's attributes as members of the base Faker class. I'm trying to write the stub file myself, I'll try to remember to report back if it works.

KaylaHood avatar Nov 03 '22 15:11 KaylaHood

Well, it didn't take long for me to find the issue that's causing our autocomplete not to work. Unfortunately it's not as easy to solve as I'd hoped.

faker.proxy line 79:

def __dir__(self):
  attributes = set(super(Faker, self).__dir__())
  for factory in self.factories:
    attributes |= {attr for attr in dir(factory) if not attr.startswith("_")}
  return sorted(attributes)

Because of self.factories (aka faker.proxy.Faker().factories) only being known at runtime (it varies with the parameters provided to faker.proxy.Faker.__init__), the result of faker.proxy.Faker().__dir__() can't be determined without actually instantiating the Faker class.

I know that MyPy can provide type hints/autocompletion even for generated classes (I can't remember where I've seen it before - I think the AWS API library boto3 is an example). There has to be a way to get dynamic type hints even with the generated factories.

Edit: I had forgotten that boto3's type hints are actually quite cumbersome to use. Due to its heavy use of generated classes (I digress, but why did they choose to make them dynamic???) the mypy type hints have to be imported manually (from the ugly-named mypy_boto3_* packages) unless you're using an IDE that supports dynamic type hints (such as VSCode with PyLance, PyCharm, IntelliJ with the Mypy plugin, etc). Because of the ugliness of these type hints, I'd love to see an alternative solution to the dynamic class typing problem.

KaylaHood avatar Nov 03 '22 16:11 KaylaHood

@KaylaHood You are correct in factories and metaclasses masking completions due to being reliant on runtime.

If you accomplish anything it'd be nice to see where it goes. But it may be too runtime-heavy to get completion and typings for.

tony avatar Nov 03 '22 22:11 tony

@tony well I seem to have made something helpful but objectively not very Pythonic. https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs

I wrote a little script that makes heavy use of the standard lib inspect package to generate a stub for Faker's proxy.py file so that auto-completion for faker.Faker() instances will contain every provider method for every locale. It works for my use case (Windows 10, Python 3.9), but I didn't spend time testing it for other platforms.

You have to run the stub generator every time you install/upgrade Faker; I can see it getting tedious very quickly.
If you use poetry or some other python package management tool you could write a post-build script that automates the download and execution of my stub generation script.

NOTE: the automated stub generation solution I just described should NEVER be used for a production or client-facing application. You don't know me! I could change my stub generation script to be a data miner! (I wouldn't, but y'know what I mean) If you would like to incorporate it into your product, then consider forking my repo to your own github/artifactory/server/etc and then use your cloned version of my script in your product's build pipeline.

Hopefully you find it useful!

KaylaHood avatar Nov 11 '22 19:11 KaylaHood

We could integrate @KaylaHood 's script in our CI build and run it before every release, but that would still not cover community providers that users have installed on their own.

On one hand, that'd be better than nothing. On the other, it may set the wrong expectation on users.

fcurella avatar Nov 11 '22 21:11 fcurella

@fcurella if y'all do incorporate my script, please feel free to refactor it and optimize it. I did very little optimization, I approached this with more of an "MVP" mindset :-)

I agree with your last point, incorporating my stubs could confuse users who utilize their own providers or who select a specific locale.
The problem of external providers can easily be resolved by extending my stub generator script to have a configurable list of provider packages to scan.
The locale problem is much harder because locales are selected at runtime. To fix the auto-completion for locale-restricted Faker instances, there'd need to be major renovations done to the locale selection mechanism.

KaylaHood avatar Nov 11 '22 22:11 KaylaHood

@KaylaHood I try your repo and it works great on my device! Thank you!


  • Microsoft Windows 11 Professional 22H2
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on WSL2
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code v1.73.1 (system setup)
  • Python v3.10.7
  • Poetry v1.2.2
  • Faker v15.3.1



Dragon1573 avatar Nov 12 '22 03:11 Dragon1573

This is a night and day difference.


  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on WSL2
  • vim with coc.nvim + coc-pyright
  • Python 3.11.0
  • Faker version: trunk @ bc56a8f
  • https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs @ 77d25e7


mkdir -p ~/projects/python; cd ~/projects/python
git clone https://github.com/joke2k/faker
git clone https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs

cd ~/projects/python/faker
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
python ../faker-stubs/generate_stub.py

You should now see this with git status:

❯ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

If the faker/proxy.pyi stub is there, you will be able to see typings if you open any file, e.g. tests/test_proxy.py

Before (via here)

from faker import Faker

def test_faker(faker: Faker):
    assert isinstance(faker.name(), str)


With faker-stubs @ 77d25e7



Locale / faker constructor

re: locales

from faker import Faker

fake = Faker(locale="en")

Expected no arguments to "Faker" constructor (Pyright reportGeneralTypeIssues)

If the constructor itself allowed locale, we'd get around this particular one. Though we wouldn't have locale-specific ones.


tony avatar Nov 12 '22 14:11 tony


If the constructor itself allowed locale, we'd get around this particular one. Though we wouldn't have locale-specific ones.

Thanks for pointing this out, I made a quick fix for this: https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs/tree/3e5c7260539564dd60bc71d83b8cd596d5fd6506

I had forgotten to include the mangled methods from the Faker class (__init__, __deepcopy__, etc). Now the __init__ method's signature will include the optional locale argument (as well as the other optional args).

Edit: use this version of my faker-stubs script instead: https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs/tree/d555b36a4deeeaccdecdfb5a90cda134dbb38605 I fixed the docstrings in the stubs so now the docstrings will populate in the auto-completion results.
I also realized certain provider functions have the same name as some member variables (example: country_code). I added logic that removes those conflicting member variables from the stub in favor of the provider function.

KaylaHood avatar Nov 13 '22 19:11 KaylaHood

@KaylaHood Follow up to https://github.com/joke2k/faker/issues/1604#issuecomment-1312496383 + https://github.com/joke2k/faker/issues/1604#issuecomment-1312799159


  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on WSL2
  • vim with coc.nvim + coc-pyright
  • Python 3.11.0
  • Faker version: trunk @ bc56a8f
  • https://github.com/KaylaHood/faker-stubs @ 5c7ffc2 ...

New docstring completions + locale kwarg

This looks good.

I had forgotten to include the mangled methods from the Faker class (__init__, __deepcopy__, etc). Now the __init__ method's signature will include the optional locale argument (as well as the other optional args).

Got it and this looks good (screenshot 1)

I fixed the docstrings in the stubs so now the docstrings will populate in the auto-completion results.

Roger that, and this looks good (screenshot 1)

image Above: Screenshot 1

Provider functions v. member names

I also realized certain provider functions have the same name as some member variables (example: country_code). I added logic that removes those conflicting member variables from the stub in favor of the provider function.

Good catch here as well

Before, with faker-stubs @ 77d25e7


With faker-stubs @ d555b36:


With faker-stubs @ 5161681:


With faker-stubs @ 5c7ffc2:


Side note, re: **config: Any

**config: Any on the faker side permits anything, https://github.com/joke2k/faker/blob/bc56a8f37f4a1aef3b2fc6c4efb69cfcf28606e0/faker/proxy.py#L34

I've never used any **config kwargs, so I'm not sure what this is used for. If it's something deterministic, there's new PEPs and backported support available:

tony avatar Nov 13 '22 21:11 tony

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] avatar Feb 12 '23 02:02 github-actions[bot]

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.

github-actions[bot] avatar Feb 26 '23 02:02 github-actions[bot]

@joke2k Can we keep this open?

tony avatar Feb 26 '23 02:02 tony

@tony I assume that pinging @fcurella here would make much sense, as he is the active maintainer at the moment.

stefan6419846 avatar Feb 28 '23 07:02 stefan6419846

I would like this issue reopened. It's not working on Python 3.11 either.

What used to work

# pip install faker=="17.3.0"
# python
>>> import faker
>>> fake = faker.Faker()
>>> fake.

Type [TAB] once or twice and you see this:

Display all 280 possibilities? (y or n)
fake.aba(                             fake.generator_attrs                  fake.pyfloat(
fake.add_provider(                    fake.get_arguments(                   fake.pyint(
fake.address(                         fake.get_formatter(                   fake.pyiterable(
... I've removed a whole bunch for brevity's sake.
fake.free_email(                      fake.psv(                             fake.zipcode_in_state(
fake.free_email_domain(               fake.pybool(                          fake.zipcode_plus4(
fake.future_date(                     fake.pydecimal(
fake.future_datetime(                 fake.pydict(
>>> fake.

What's broken

In Python 3.9, 3.10, and now 3.11:

# pip install faker=="17.3.0"
# python
>>> import faker
>>> fake = faker.Faker()
>>> fake.

Type [TAB] once or twice and nothing happens.

Claim that this feature should work

This is Python saying things like this should work: https://docs.python.org/3.11/tutorial/interactive.html#tab-completion-and-history-editing. (Docs here are the same in all versions of Python)

CelestialGuru avatar Mar 01 '23 22:03 CelestialGuru

We know Windows PowerShell and cmd won't play nice with [TAB]s, but in WSL, with python 3.10.1, I was able to replicate the bug too. Same issue. fake. type [TAB] then nothing. Tab completion works on other things. Type int. and [TAB] and see things like int.as_integer_ratio( int.bit_length( int.denominator( .... The only thing I don't have easy access to is a bare metal machine with Linux installed to see if it won't work there either.

CelestialGuru avatar Mar 01 '23 22:03 CelestialGuru

Okay, someone suggested I try the iPython shell. Tab completion does appear to work in there, which is nice, but I still think it's a bug when tab completion isn't working in the default python shell.

CelestialGuru avatar Mar 01 '23 23:03 CelestialGuru