Impressive feature list https://polkaholic.io/features
Also, fetch the current issuance from the chain state
https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-staking#inflation This section needs an update after the changes are pushed to Polkadot runtime https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/issues/5195
Structure of the Staking Wiki doc - Discussed with Kian - What is staking? Select validators, incentives, slashing, accountability - Sessions and Eras - Entities and Roles in depth -...
https://github.com/w3f/polkadot-wiki/issues/3346 This will need multiple PRs. The most logical thing to do is to limit updates to 4 Wiki docs in each PR for a seamless review pipeline
The readme file of the repo needs to be updated to reflect the current status on Translations
various journey developers can take in the Polkadot ecosystem Request by Urban Oswald. Ref: https://www.notion.so/paritytechnologies/Parachain-developer-onboarding-readiness-a38fdf606875409483eec0dc0e09a5a3 https://gist.github.com/xlc/ebc2476afb7ecacdaa5ce95ae3b991c8
Kami: Did you know that when you do unbound some of your tokens from a pool, your claimable will be paid out too? Hence, you do not need to pay...