Thank you! We are planning a separate section in the Wiki doc to add references to wallets like Ledger live. Will keep you posted.
This one https://github.com/w3f/polkadot-wiki/issues/3346 I have it referenced in the issue description right at the beginning, but it is not very clearly referenced, sorry :)
@michalisFr Yeah!
When you update the doc, it would be very helpful if you could also add info on how to use `--sync warp` https://github.com/w3f/polkadot-wiki/issues/3887. Thanks!
Thank you @paradox-tt Will review this soon!
Waiting for https://github.com/polkadot-js/apps/pull/7179 to be merged to make updates to nominator doc
Seen on one of the community chat rooms - _I'm trying to use the proxy now, but its confusing, even the docs don't seem to explain it:_ https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/maintain-guides-democracy#voting-with-a-governance-proxy The docs...
Sounds good! If I understand this correctly, you are asking for a simple how to guide that summarizes the two articles below - [Why have I stopped nominating? Staking limits...
@michalisFr For a nominator who is already staking (and probably not receiving rewards), there needs be instructions on how to unbond their stake, (wait for 28 days), claim the unbonded...
Probably link to this article https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000181716-i-have-less-than-the-minimum-dot-needed-for-staking in the note you provided early in this article about transferable balance https://support.polkadot.network/support/solutions/articles/65000181401-how-to-join-nomination-pools