## Bug Report [ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with "N/A". ] [ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ] [...
Hi I was hoping to download the data set that's required to run this. https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyMocap/blob/master/doc/mvmp.md However i've noticed that the link has expired! ( https://zjueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/s_q_zju_edu_cn/EZFGgpK2Y6RBkPbGvny_PC0BIS08qJvxGYEHYopjhHX_TQ?e=LY3pgm ) EDIT: All of the...
I can not generate a new password, nothing shows when I start the program. I've tried downloading a new build, deleting config files and running "sunshine.exe creds new_username new_password" nothing...
### Is your feature request related to a problem or weakness of addon? Please describe. _No response_ ### Describe the solution you'd like Moreso, make the program stop hiding the...