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All example datas & mvmp - multiple views expired dataset link - Can't download.
Hi I was hoping to download the data set that's required to run this. https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyMocap/blob/master/doc/mvmp.md
However i've noticed that the link has expired! ( https://zjueducn-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/s_q_zju_edu_cn/EZFGgpK2Y6RBkPbGvny_PC0BIS08qJvxGYEHYopjhHX_TQ?e=LY3pgm )
EDIT: All of the dataset examples are unavailable on the quickstart page as well; https://chingswy.github.io/easymocap-public-doc/quickstart/quickstart.html#demo-on-multiple-calibrated-cameras
Thank you!