https://vue-use-gesture.netlify.app/docs I guess the latest commit triggered something wrong on the netlify pipeline.
Tried installing Lerna but couldn't get the workspace up and running. Is this the kind of framework that'll only ever work nicely on UNIX ? Might as weel get my...
How complicated do you think it would be to allow for schema sitiching ? Maybe it could be another PrimeCMS instance at first to reduce the scope, and then evolve...
THis error occurred when trying to Generate Visual Studio project files ``` Running D:/Tools/Epic Games/4.15/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project="D:/Documents/Unreal Projects/BLUITest/BLUITest.uproject" -game -rocket -progress Discovering modules, targets and source code for project... ERROR:...
Tried several ways of defining pinch bounds but none seem to work. ``` usePinch(pinchHandler, { domTarget: rootNode, eventOptions: { passive: false, distanceBounds: {max: 1000, min: -900} }, }) ``` Is...
I’ve completed the French language translation. ```ts // Please copy and paste the file your just downloaded here ``` [fr.ts.zip](https://github.com/formkit/formkit/files/9633256/fr.ts.zip) PS: Github does not directly allow the generated typescript file.
### Versions - vite-plugin-federation: v1.1.14 - vite: 4.0.4 ### Reproduction Reproduction repo : https://github.com/Dorkside/ref-reactive-federated ### Steps to reproduce `npm run build:test-vue` `npm run preview:test-vue` `npm run dev:ui` ### What is...
# Bug report - [x] I confirm this is a bug with Supabase, not with my own application. - [x] I confirm I have searched the [Docs](https://docs.supabase.com), GitHub [Discussions](https://github.com/supabase/supabase/discussions), and...