Hey, any news on how this might be going ? It would be nice to have a streamlined solution for this :+1:
Great, seems good enough for basic usage. I'm trying to use it with @storybook/web-components right now. Was able to show it inside a CSF story, but having issues doing the...
Not using BLUI anymore in my project, shifted to a very different setup combining UE4 and electron. Just a hunch though, might be a space in the project path.
Since I'm not using BLUI anymore could anyone having this problem confirm this works ? I remember having read somehting like this indeed, might have solved the problem back then....
Found a solution : ``` const p = usePinch(pinchHandler, { domTarget: rootNode, eventOptions: { passive: false }, }); p.config.pinch.bounds[0] = [-900, 1000] ```
Any progress on this ? I'd love to be able to add annotations also. Is xeoviewer.js the only file to "modify/update" in order for this to work ?
Ok, awesome, As soon as I get some time for a bit of R&D I'll dive into that. Thanks for the updates and the good work.
I'm willing to lend a hand on this, but feel a little lost as to where to start. I have been experimenting with other solutions, and it seems that the...
I've updated my reference repo for this, and it seems that the loaded plugin through vite-plugin-federation has no reference to the `getCurrentInstance` and does not trigger the `onMounted` event for...
I have managed to reproduce the issue with vue-cli that relies on webpack under the hood. So it doesn't seem to be a vite issue. Do you remember which version...