That could be a reason, I had a few difficulties in my webpack attempt as well in an error along those lines : `"Shared module is not available for eager...
I have just tested with 1.1.13 and the increment still doesn't work in the host app. Will try with a few versions and see if one of them solves the...
Even 1.0.0 and 0.0.1 present the same issue.
> > Even 1.0.0 and 0.0.1 present the same issue. > > Maybe it's not reflecting the older package if you check package lock or node modules. I didn't change...
> > Even 1.0.0 and 0.0.1 present the same issue. > > Maybe it's not reflecting the older package if you check package lock or node modules. I didn't change...
Can confirm this solved the issue on a new computer. Will try again on my work computer monday ;-).
Back on my work computer and this seems still not to be working. Wondering if there are any globally installed packages that could affect this ?
OK, found that by using same domain on the module and on the host makes if functional (as opposed to localhost for the module and default for the host).
This is potentially a problem, at least in my setup, as even on localhost using different virtual hosts (one per microfrontend), reactivity isn't working. Anything I might have misonfigured ?
Don't think so as that would appear in the network tab right ? Also works fine outside of dev mode.