So, as stated in the subject - when I use `scales = 'free_x'` in `facet_grid()`, geom_signif fails ## Reprex ### Data prep ``` r library(tidyverse) library(ggsignif) # Prepare representative data...
Hi, I'm trying to add annotation to my images and combine them in single composite image. I'm facing a problem with text positioning. When I use `gravity = "north"` the...
I've faced an issue when trying to use footnote on the cells formatted with `fmt_markdown()`. With `fmt_markdown()` linebreak between cell content and footnote reference (i.e. 1) is added. In the...
Hi, I've tried to set a knobInput width to 150px, I faced an issue that it did not show the input value. However, when I prepared reprex, it turns, that...
Hi there, I think I've spotted a bug: ``` r suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(ggmsa) library(Biostrings) }) my_letters ``` r # Seq names are replaced by numbers if none_bg is true ggmsa(alignment, seq_name...
Hi there! I've just tried to play around with the Shiny app and saved my cell. In the save file, there is a huge empty (white) space to the right...
Hi, I noticed a small discrepancy between `epmc_hits()` and `epmc_search()`: with an identical query, they return a different number of found records. Do these functions manipulate query arguments differently? `epmc_hits()`...
Hi, Last few days I was using an epmc_search function to retrieve data from the EuropePMC database and sometimes I get the following error (of cause number of records are...
Hi there, I've spotted a bug in the reading gbk file where a feature spans across the plasmid "start". In the gbk it looks like this: ``` CDS join(4891..5096,1..751) /note="pLannotate"...
Hi there, I was running Diagnostic ion mining workflow that finished with the following message: > Identifying candidate ions > Building feature histograms > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException >...