obsidian-plotly copied to clipboard
Obsidian plugin to embed Plotly charts into markdown notes.
Pasting code directly from Plotly website is not working.  - I get things like this. I've been able to figure it out for some basic charts, but for some...
I tried to add LaTex to the graph and failed to do so. As in the Documentation stated, there is the MathJax Engine to be loaded for correctly loading LaTex...
There should be an option to define default `layout` and `config` values in settings. Option to create several layouts and choose particular preset for each plot is nice from code...
User should be able to set width and height scaling. For each plot individually, I believe it is possible to do via `layout` or `config` properties of each plot. For...
After #8 dark theme is implemented, there should be way to get chart colors from current Obsidian css theme. There is more than one way to map UI colors with...
As of now, `obsidian-plotly` pluign uses `dataviewjs` blocks to render charts from JS code. This is an unnecessary dependency and should be eliminated. Custom `plotlyjs` block processor should be implemented...
It would be nice to have autocompletion for `plotly` and `plotlyjs` blocks.
Since some plotly charts rely on D3 library, which is big and I do not want it to be part of plugin bundle, managing it's usage should be simplified. As...
OS: Windows 10 Pro version 22H2 Obsidian: - installer version 1.3.7 - current version 1.4.2 Plotly plugin: version 0.0.6 I have noticed strange plugin behavior during development. If I create...
Hi, At the moment I believe there is only the possibility of displaying Plotly with embedded code inside the dataviewjs. Plotly allows to save a serialized version of their plot...