obsidian-plotly copied to clipboard
Obsidian plugin to embed Plotly charts into markdown notes.
Obsidian plugin, which allow user to embed Plotly charts into markdown notes.
Basic (using plotly block)
Use Command Palette (Ctrl-P
) to add basic plotly template:
This approach allows you to create JSON or YAML inside plotly
with payload for data, layout and config objects.
It does NOT support JavaScript examples from plotly.com site - it only support static payload forvarding to Plotly.newPlot
For JavaScript support use Advanced approach with DataViewJS.
Basic example (those YAML and JSON result in identical plots):
- x: [0,1,2]
y: [0,1,0]
"data": [{
"x":[0, 1, 2],
"y":[0, 1, 0]
Advanced (using dataviewjs block)
Use Command Palette (Ctrl-P
) to add plotly template:
This approach DOES support any example from plotly.com. (I haven't checked them all, feel free to create issue if some aren't working). However, this approach require DataView plugin to process JavaScript. As a benefit, you can create plots based on data from you notes which you retrieve via DataView API! (By the way, this sounds similar to what obsidian-tracker plugin does).
To use it, just add DataviewJS block with Plotly command, copy desired example and paste it.
NOTE: All examples use Plotly.newPlot(component, data, layout, config)
to draw, and it takes some extra code to work in Obsidian.
There is a wrapper function available as window.renderPlotly(this.component, data, layout, config)
, which will draw plot inside DataViewJS block.
(Wrapper parameters should be same as in example).
A lot of examples are on Plotly official site.
NOTE: Some examples also require d3 library. This is large library and rarely needed. That's why I do not want to have it in plugin.
If you need this library, there is a workaround: you can download d3 library from official site (Open link->Right click->Save as...), place it in your vault and import using require
//Some plotly examples require d3 library to work.
//Since it's large and used by few examples,
//I propose a workaround to import d3;
//You need to download dependency from https://d3js.org/d3.v7.min.js
//and place it in your vault.
let path = app.vault.adapter.basePath;//absolute path to your vault
var d3 = require(path+"\\utils\\d3.v7.min.js");
//Replace this block with any example from plotly.com
//NOTE: `Plotly.newPlot` won't work here, use `window.renderPlotly` instead
var data = [
var layout = {title:"Example in DataViewJS"};
var config = {displaylogo:false};
window.renderPlotly(this.container, data, layout, config)
Some more obsidian examples of this plugin here
More examples on Plotly official site.