Dmytro Shulha
Dmytro Shulha
If settings are going to support several layouts, each one should have a name, and there should be a way to select a preset layout for a given chart. For...
Hi! Can you please provide code sample that doesn't work?
Hello @tolga-balci ! First thing is that `path` is not pointing to .obsidian directory, but to the root of your vault. Try this and check the console in Dev Tools...
Do you have DataView plugin installed? Do you have dataviewjs blocks execution enabled in DataView settings? This example of mine is relying on DataView plugin for JS execution.
Hello! That is correct - as of now, charts can only be created via `plotly` and `dataviewjs` code blocks. With `dataviewjs` block, it is already posible to load and draw...
Also, as a sidenote, I think users should have a way to define their own custom functions that they would reuse across their plotly charts. Maybe in settings menu. Adding capture of reproduce process.
It is actually a good idea! It may be difficult to avoid conflicts with all currently used CSS themes for Obsidian. It definitely will improve Obsidian customization experience.
+1, this feature would be great to have!
First, I would like to say that Projects is a great plugin that I enjoy using. I would like to express my gratitude to all creators and contributors for it's...