obsidian-projects copied to clipboard
Calendar view assigns dates to notes not based on frontmatter, but tasks inside
What would you like to be added?
Calendar view now looks at a specific frontmatter key to look for dates. Then it files each note into a corresponding day on the calendar.
I'd like Calendar to file each note into a corresponding day based on tasks inside it.
Why is this needed?
I keep track of steps I need to make inside project notes, with each step/task being a... well... task. Right now, besides creating tasks with due date I also need to pay attention to always change the frontmatter date to a new date whenever a new deadline has to be met for this note.
Also, you can't open a note from calendar view for some reason.
Also, you can't open a note from calendar view for some reason.
You can press Ctrl (or Cmd on macOS) and click the calendar entry to open the note.
Right now, I've been limiting the scope to more well-defined data, such as YAML front matter and inline attributes. Until schema management has stabilized, I don't want to introduce complexity to the "type system". Might be a while before I get to this.
First, I would like to say that Projects is a great plugin that I enjoy using. I would like to express my gratitude to all creators and contributors for it's development.
I find the idea of having more ways to put notes onto a calendar view exciting. Also, I would like to share an additional feature idea that I think fits in this discussion thread.
In my vault, some of my notes can be related to a particular task. And to track my progress on this task I am writing stuff under a header that is today's date. So, a note can end up looking like that:
# 2024-04-20
progress update 1
# 2024-04-21
progress update 2
It would be nice to have an option to be able to parse dates from headers and put this note on a calendar for each date there is.