After polluting this repo with a great number of Pull Request with just the one file attached, I managed to put all of them into just the one commit 97a1911...
Commits contain removed whitespace from tags and some other odd instances encountered while working on the files. The commits with .gitattirbutes should be ignored though. One is for creating the...
Removed instances from tags which disrupted the flow of view and were probably placed for reasons of readability in the original code files. This superfluous whitespaces hindered proper translation.
Removed instances from tags which disrupted the flow of view and were probably placed for reasons of readability in the original code files. This superfluous whitespaces hindered proper translation.
Added extension to filenames for consistency and as to avoid confusion Goal: Display good documentation - [x] Backport to LTR documentation is requested
par_id "par_id3154586" was disabled by changing "id" to "nil". Reverted back to field "id"