Rendong Pi

Results 8 comments of Rendong Pi

Firstly, thanks for sharing your fantastic work. As described in your paper, multi-objective semantic segmentation can be achieved. Could you please update the corresponding codes? Looking forward to your reply!

> 你可以查看具体的权重参数,如果不一样的话,那可能是在这里下载的 [。]( Hi, thanks for your great job. The link is invalid, could you please update this link? And where can I get the pretrained weight of the detco?...

> Hi Great job! I have some question when i used "DPM-solver=True". 1: Does the batchsize must be 1 when used DPM-solver ? if not in def dynamic_thresholding_fn(self, x0,...

same question. What's more important, as show below, why the cal_out can represent the final segmentation result? co = th.tensor(cal_out) print('the shape of sample :', sample.shape, sample[:, -1, :, :].shape)...

> Can you list the steps to repoduce the issue? And will this issue still occur after disabling the vscode-neovim extension? @Devin-Pi Of course. Step 1: Open a folder in...

> There is no `spc`+`e` shortcut in explorer, there is only `space` to expand folder or preview file. I can't reproduce the issue in Fig.1 > > ![image]( Thanks for...

> > Thanks for your reply! Now, I have got this ERROR. It seems related to the Buffer Manger. It is strange. ![image]( > > Actually, neo-tree plugin is disabled...

OS System: Ubuntu2204 Platform: VScode When I select something by "viw" or "vip" and paste them, I met the following errors. Do you have some ideas to solve it? Thank...