nvim copied to clipboard
vscode: cannot edit read-only editor
Thanks for your wonderful sharing!
After installing the files as told by your documentation, I found that I cannot Rename, Create a new directory/file, etc, under Explorer mode. The vscode showed that "cannot edit in read-only editor". Do you have some ideas to solve it?
Thank you!
Can you list the steps to repoduce the issue? And will this issue still occur after disabling the vscode-neovim extension? @Devin-Pi
Can you list the steps to repoduce the issue? And will this issue still occur after disabling the vscode-neovim extension? @Devin-Pi
Of course.
Step 1: Open a folder in vscode
Step 2: spc + e, the contents shown in Fig.1.
Step 3: Type a, as shown in Fig.2, "cannot edit in read-only editor".
Fig. 1
There is no spc
shortcut in explorer, there is only space
to expand folder or preview file. I can't reproduce the issue in Fig.1
There is no
shortcut in explorer, there is onlyspace
to expand folder or preview file. I can't reproduce the issue in Fig.1
Thanks for your reply!
Now, I have got this ERROR. It seems related to the Buffer Manger. It is strange.
Thanks for your reply! Now, I have got this ERROR. It seems related to the Buffer Manger. It is strange.
Actually, neo-tree plugin is disabled when you use in vscode, see lua/user/plugins/vscode.lua
Thanks for your reply! Now, I have got this ERROR. It seems related to the Buffer Manger. It is strange.
Actually, neo-tree plugin is disabled when you use in vscode, see lua/user/plugins/vscode.lua
Thanks for your reply! Actually, I know why there always exists some problems. Because I have downloaded the wrong repo. Now, it woks:).
OS System: Ubuntu2204 Platform: VScode When I select something by "viw" or "vip" and paste them, I met the following errors. Do you have some ideas to solve it? Thank you!
2024-05-10 10:15:41.443 [info] 14 lines yanked Error detected while processing TextYankPost Autocommands for "*": Error executing lua callback: .../share/nvim/lazy/yanky.nvim/lua/yanky/storage/memory.lua:12: attempt to index field 'config' (a nil value) stack traceback: .../share/nvim/lazy/yanky.nvim/lua/yanky/storage/memory.lua:12: in function 'push' .../.local/share/nvim/lazy/yanky.nvim/lua/yanky/history.lua:21: in function 'push' /home/rdpi/.local/share/nvim/lazy/yanky.nvim/lua/yanky.lua:267: in function 'on_yank' /home/rdpi/.local/share/nvim/lazy/yanky.nvim/lua/yanky.lua:47: in function </home/rdpi/.local/share/nvim/lazy/yanky.nvim/lua/yanky.lua:46>
- What is your
nvim --version
- Which keymap did you use to paste? Maybe a full steps list is helpful.