Wouldn't it make more sense to have this as an input filter on your end of the application? If you're using node.js it would be simple enough to create an...
For example, in my case when returning the hashtags from a video I didn't want to return any of the variations on "#foryou, #4u, #foryou" etc so I created a...
I know this is a late reply but I found a solution that will work. In the kinetic portion of the code try lowering the timeConstant variable. `var timeConstant =...
> @Alexei-Grigarovich Switched to Fish-Networking 👍
Connection works when I use SSL Encryption and set the URL as ServerCommonName 👍 ``` var networkManager = NetworkManager.Singleton; m_Transport = (UnityTransport)m_NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.NetworkTransport; m_Transport.SetServerSecrets(MyGameServerCertificate, MyGameServerPrivateKey); networkManager.StartServer(); ``` ``` m_Transport.SetClientSecrets(ServerCommonName, MyGameClientCA); networkManager.StartClient();...
@ToolKami Partially.. Instead of using the Unity Transport and checking the "Use Web Sockets" box I realized the package contains another transport script called "Web Socket Transport" that entirely replaces...
> Thanks @Davey111 ! I'm fairly new to Unity, will try to spend a little more time to debug with my limited skills, otherwise I'll try your method, do you...
I agree. This would be a game changer for me!