Der Flip
Der Flip
based on #1264 **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In order to signal to the user the list is scrollable it is common (and good!) practice...
in the following: menu = the bottom part with statistics, pre-load GPS location, 3-dot-menu-opener **Icon Size** I feel the current icons in the menu bar at the bottom are a...
based on #1264, paragraph 4 **Is your feature request related to a ~~problem~~? Please describe.** Stop Button repurposed effectively as Pause button with new UI Update. **Describe the solution you'd...
For a couple of days now, I cannot get a connection. I cannot log in to my Deezer account through the app. both methods (log-in an-app + website + ARL)...
I just read in the 1.6.0 changelog the MaterialV2 design theme will be retired with 1.7.0 Apart from features I really liked that Material Files still offered MaterialV2 as I...
**Describe the bug** Average and Max speed unrealistically high. Either right after starting it jumps to 1000+km/h or it'll creep up over time while walking. I've been walking fairly slow,...
Found this App today, absolutely gorgeous! Only thing missing for me is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), also known as Zulu on the world clock. Is there a chance for it...
I think a great addition to the world clock (besides of #21) would be to pin a time zone to the top of the list as seen in this quick...
I noticed that when entering the screen saver the clock face is (almost) never in the same position and (almost) never centered. furthermore I think it's too easy to...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Not really a problem: Sifting through an extensive list of files in the file tree to find a specific attachment....