Using a custom listener can also work, you're right. Regarding your other suggestion for a temporary solution. I was able to make it work following that approach, only applying some...
We also see the same issue in the PlayStore crash reports of our app for the following two devices: Moto G (5S) Plus (sanders_nt) moto g(6) (ali) Maybe there's an...
Thanks for trying to contribute to the project. Feel free to do so. Having a global currency setting should be easy as you said and also the first step towards...
@saltsoftdrink I was not working on this topic as I wanted to leave it up to @bartoszluka who said that he want to look into this. As this was about...
@bartoszluka I had a quick look at your PR, I'll add some comments there, but I like the general approach.
@serrq I'm planning to replace the bottom sheet with a separate screen to add and edit expenses as it grows more and more and this allows having proper tablet support...
I do not want to focus on crypto currency in the app. But maybe a way to copy the name or the description of the expense easily could work for...
Copy the address so you can paste it to the donation website. Alternatively adding an option to add notes to the expense which also support url links might also work...
Ah I guess not I get it. You want a way to donate some money to me using crypto currency? Then I missunderstood you.
Generally I like the approach. Some suggestions from my side for the current state: * The CurrencyPicker could be opened and handled fully inside the SettingsScreen, making sure the MainActivity...