Results 6 comments of DeepSOIC

OK, please excuse my total utter noobness at internet technologies. I'm on Win10. So I need to install Yarn package manager. Then install Node.js to have npm. Then download zip...

Hi, SplineTravel author here, if you have any questions i can answer them. So far, i have not really understood what your project is about. SplineTravel does not use G5,...

Fitting a spline through some points is a very well solved problem, look for "bspline interpolation". Splinetravel was designed for 3d-printing, where there are print moves (head moves and deposits...

It seems to me you want to join a bunch of g1-es into some splines (g5), and that is totally NOT what splinetravel is about. SplineTravel modifies travel trajectory so...

> \ > > REQUIRED > > The date of the last update, in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY.MM.DD. Am i now supposed to update it upon every commit to...

@chennes oh, wait, do i have to change the version number for every commit too?