Ruben Gonzalez
Ruben Gonzalez
I see this is a recurring issue that was "sort of" fixed before: However, I'm getting spotty results at best. I recently tried to precompile a new docker image...
In version 1.2.5 I was able to have the entire project compile properly In version 2.0.5, it managed to run through the precompiliaion workflow, but when building the incremental system...
I noticed that Truncated distributions generally don't support mean, var, etc. But they could easily be calculated using numerical methods. In fact, I wrote my own custom module for them:...
I can only partially iterate from a file created by parquet-mr. I can iterate through it once, but trying to do this a second time yields ``` iterate(cursor) ERROR: UndefRefError:...
I've worked with numerous unit packages (like Python's Pint and Unitful.jl) and really love the fundamental approach of this package, which is really the fundamental approach of the SI units...
Normally, if I type in something like ``` Normal{Float32}(0,1) ``` based on the default behaviour of constructors, I would expect a response similar to ``` Normal{Float32}(μ=0.0f0, σ=1.0f0) ``` where the...