Ruben Gonzalez
Ruben Gonzalez
This is my package manifest: ``` # This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised [[AWS]] deps = ["Base64", "Compat", "Dates", "GitHub", "HTTP", "IniFile", "JSON", "MbedTLS", "Mocking",...
After doing a lot of tests (on Julia 1.6.5), it looks like this problem started appearing at PackageCompiler v1.6.0 ``` could not load symbol "pgamma": /usr/local/julia/bin/julia: undefined symbol: pgamma Stacktrace:...
No I'm talking about PackageCompiler 1.6. Everything before PackageCompiler v1.6 seems to work. I'm testing all this on Julia v1.6.5
I would say that Gompertz is one that really should be implemented. It's a right-skewed distribution (where most are left-skewed) that is used a lot in vital statistics.
This issue could potentially be related to Issue #120. There could potentially be a string column that fails to parse a delimiter, putting a whole whack of data into a...
If I iterate through the file with no batch size specified, I get an inexact error (trying to convert a NaN to Int32) ``` cursor = BatchedColumnsCursor(parFile, use_threads=false, reusebuffer=false) df...
I just verified the fix to Issue #120, that fix doesn't fix this problem unfortunately so this issue is still open.