Danny Burt

Results 45 comments of Danny Burt

@mistahchris I copied your code locally. I use (normal) vim with zsh. I put `export VISUAL='vim'` in my `~/.zshenv`. I believe the problem are lines similar to `if [ -e...

How about an option for `VimAnywhere_defaultFileType` or whatever the proper variable naming would look like? Also because I'm newer at vim, looking at those maps, how come they start with...

Yep, you got it. I mean a different fork of the repository.

Hey @peterhurford are you willing to add this functionality? 👼

Hey @peterhurford how about `gitit --remote devops ` ?

Are you opening vim with command line arguments? i.e. `vim filename` vs just `vim`?

I solved this by switching plugins. ``` Plug 'tpope/vim-obsession' Plug 'dhruvasagar/vim-prosession' ``` I have the setting: `let g:prosession_per_branch = 1` which lets me do a session per git branch. This...

I think I'm asking for something that is a subset of this: https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all/issues/1955 🙏

I would also like to store the default session based off of branch name. That was as I go between branches I go back to the appropriate session automatically. Did...

@xolox do you have a recommendation for how we can solve this?