Danny Burt

Results 45 comments of Danny Burt

Okay! I renamed the plugin! 🎉We are now kube-aliases. I also pushed a commit to master removing the environment variable stuff which isn't super useful to the general public. I...

Awesome. I think we'll have to change the filetype, and perhaps also have a .plugin.zsh file that loads our main code so that zsh still can locate the plugin. I...

That's a great idea. I'll take a look at the man page format

I could swear I had already added you as a contributor. Definitely feel free to make as many changes as you'd like. I trust your judgement 👍

Sorry, I haven't been responding in a timely manner. I think the changes you're making are great. I'll ponder the `kmkconfig`. I agree that's not easiest name 😬

How about `kcon` instead of `kmkconfig`?

And regular vim for folks like me

Do you have an idea on how to do this with OSX+iterm2?. I've been experimenting with `osascript`, and I have a workable solution: bin/run ``` frontmost_app="~/.vim-anywhere/script/set_frontmost_app.scpt" osascript

I updated the above script to work fully. I also forked and committed it here: https://github.com/Dbz/vim-anywhere

@cknadler I'd also like this!