@zhangquan0126 Okay I think I see where the problem might be. Angular's `*ngIf` is a structural directive that *removes* the element from the DOM when the predicate is false. Most...
@AnthonyNahas Please leave it open, I'll write up some docs and submit the PR sometime this week. Just managed to get a local version working and I think it'll help...
This is probably not a library issue but a consequence of the 6.1.x release of `@angular/fire` and update of `firebase` to 8.1.x. Refer to this link for an example of...
The library is updated and now works with V11 of Angular. Can we go ahead and mark this as *resolved*? @AnthonyNahas
Hello @crrlos, thanks for the response. I tried running the last command on a brand new Angular project and got a pretty similar outcome. See an excerpt from the logs...
> We're going to investigate what it'll take to add this feature. However we can't commit to anything more at this time. > > Do continue to thumb-up and comment...
Have you tried using `FormGroup` and `FormBuilder`? You can nest as many formGroup elements as you need and use a single validator on the formGroup.
Starting a pretty big project and trying out NGXS as my state management. I'm running into this and wondering if it'll have implications down the road. Thinking of switching to...
I'm glad to hear that. After some thought I think an `inverted=true` parameter on the URL would be sufficient, instead of changing the basic flow and consistency of the URL...
I'm literally in this same predicament. I'm considering creating the mockwebserver with a static port and counting on that for my tests, but that seems error prone. UPDATE: Luckily I'm...