TardisModIssues copied to clipboard
Contains the issues tracker for the private TardisMod
I think it would be cool if their could be a new roundle upgrade similar to the nano upgrade but instead of healing it takes artron to recharge your abilitys...
manual needs updating to cover new/changed features
For whatever reason MC loves to use X Z Y for coordinates. But I've noticed the tardis mod uses X Y Z. While the tardis mod is correct with logical...
When using a Sonic Screwdriver in Linking mode on 2 different Roundels a chat entry stating the two are linked appears, but at least 1 of the roundels always reports...
yes yes i know something like this has been brought up before and declined BUT i just had an idea that MIGHT make it feasible, texturing the console base with...
could the facing wheel/directional pointer and the scanners tell you their cardinal directions
something my friend and i noticed while playing MC together is that transmitting other players is not a thing. now i can understand why you did this (anti trolling) but...
In the tardis the sky has the appearance of the overworld with a day and night option. I was wondering if it was possible to change what dimension the sky-box...
it would be great if this mod updated to 1.8.9 seeing that the RF API has been ported officially to it, as well as Thaumcraft and many other mods
I don't get why when I'm in creative mode I have to actually get out the items to repair the engine. if(pl.capabilities.isCreativeMode) as simple as that. This is more a...