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[Enhance] Tardis Dimension Properties
In the tardis the sky has the appearance of the overworld with a day and night option. I was wondering if it was possible to change what dimension the sky-box is using and/or take properties from certain dimensions when changed to that. For example in the nether water cannot be placed normally and has a red tint to the fog/sky with certain music normally played for that type of dimension and to be able to have those types of properties within the tardis dimension.
already done. next to the spawn protection lever (on the engine) you can toggle between 2 skyboxes
both options are possible, but the properties thing won't happen. I've tried the skybox before though, might try and finish that.
and alien, he meant have the TARDIS when in normal skybox take over the skybox of the dimension the exterior is in atm.. I think
oh. that would be possible but FAR to tedious to warrant it. although an additional option to use botania's "Garden of glass" sky box would be cool. it has auroras :P
actually, if there is a registry for custom skyboxes then could you use it to dynamically get and apply any custom skyboxes it finds?
well it's actually not hard at all tbh there's literally a function getskyrenderer. Which you have to override to get a custom renderer :P Like i said, I've tried it before. But i got a few problems, don't know which ones tho. My memory is the worst.
Well if you DO have a stab at it than a disclaimer about the jittery motion during fixed time setting will be a must
True, morph will still work. But the sky renderers might not like it.
Given the minority of the render bug its a worth while sacrifice
I'll probably make it a config option, when true display dimension sky. when false just display overworld.