@borodiliz hey, I am new to this, could you tell me how can I enable the variable in a docker compose based project?
@borodiliz Finally!! It worked, thank you so much you are life saver. I wasted my entire week on this error. Should I also explicity set `platform: linux/amd64`.
Hey, I would like to take this issue if it's still valid.
@pngwn Hey, thank you so much for you insight. It's been a while so I just wanted to get right back. But I understand. I think I should just wait...
@scopsy Hey, is this issue still valid? I'm eager to help with this, I'm new to this project so please let me know how I can get started. Thanks!
@alya Hey, since you have assigned someone else should I unassign me? I claimed the issue because I believed they were working on some other issue.
@zulipbot claim
I have been at it since hours and still couldn't fix it. I believe the signature for the `excerpt` function is incorrect. It should be something like ```typescript excerpt?: boolean...
How about if I just ignore that one line causing the whole lot this trouble. ```ts // @ts-ignore ```
A fix would be greatly appreciated!