Daniele Tentoni
Daniele Tentoni
Hi all, I'm using this tool for the first time and I'm trying to configure my first dotfile repo. First of all, I have created a [new repo](https://github.com/Daniele-Tentoni/dotfiles) with 2...
### bot.sendMessage is not a function Hi all, probably is a problem with my entry level of Javascript. I made a module with a sample code for webhook bot: ```js...
Since InAppSettingsKit code is directly imported inside the code base of the application, many useful improvements to the library are not automatically imported and solved. I found very annoying the...
Hi all, this method `static void linphone_iphone_popup_password_request(LinphoneCore *lc, LinphoneAuthInfo *auth_info, LinphoneAuthMethod method)`, that manage the password request, i think after an user disconnect, can't retrieve the username, domain and realm...
Now, if user record a call in a language, the file saved in file system has a name in that language. Changing the language, the recording is not shown because...
Have Linphone any automatic tests or UITests to run to check changes before run on physical device or upload/deploy?
Hi all, today I've installed the last available version `3.6.9` of this awasome plugin in my Xamarin Forms `` Shell project. When I tried to build it, he said that...
Hi all, my application need two icons that are missing in web generated icon packets. They are the Apple Tv Icons in 1x(1920x1080) and in 2x(3840x2160). Can you add them?
Hi all, I can't find any info online about possible state changes of call state. I've found [this page](https://linphone.org/releases/docs/liblinphone/4.5/cs/api/Linphone.CallState.html) with some info about each state, but not about state changes...
I'm using those packages: ```json { "dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^6.2.0", "bulma": "^0.9.4", "bulma-switch": "^2.0.4", "bulma-timeline": "^3.0.5" }, "devDependencies": { "nuxt": "^3.0.0-rc.12", "sass": "^1.55.0", "sass-loader": "^10.3.1" } } ``` with this...