Daniel Ordonez
Daniel Ordonez
@artemiialessandrini That is definitely an issue but I am not quite sure whether is only a visualization issue of the target position as a robot_state message, or the planning of...
@artemiialessandrini Indeed I had the same issue, but it is rather a problem of how you set up your gripper group on moveit. Try setting up the group and passive...
Hi @sinaiaranda-CIDESI sorry for the late answer I have been a little busy lately. I am sorry to say that we didnt face this problem but we did face a...
As far as I can see there is no errors in the .yaml conffiguration files and joint naming.
I am currently on vacations and do not have access to the robot, so I am not able to provide any robot feedback any time soon, Sorry. I would recommend...
Hi @mvanlobensels, The 3D animation was done in pybullet for a [publication](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RaCtlfgjww) I was working on. But this is not the desired framework for doing this. The 2D dynamics animation...
@Firsthero511 same here. I am using anaconda and I am properly giving the python include folder path in the Makefile, however, it seems unable to find the Python.h file (which...
Hi @maxxxzdn and @Gabri95, Following your suggestion, say I build a equiv MLP of input, hidden, output equivariant **linear** layers with some activation function. Such that the hidden layer group...
Hi @maxxxzdn can you point out a paper/lecture-note/escnn-documentation page where the action of this quotient activations are clearly explained? I am afraid I am unable to comprehend from the documentation...
Hi @Gabri95, Yes, this is precisely what I was looking for, and I agree there should be a method for this. A custom serialization and deserialization method can enable pickle...