Daniel Ordonez
Daniel Ordonez
Sorry to tag you guys but I still dont have any clue how to fix this, @gavanderhoorn @ted-miller, any possible help.
Good day, The report from @carolMartinez makes me wonder whether this is an isolated bug we are facing, or rather a feature that has not been yet addressed for dual...
@zzx9636 I haven't had time to experiment with this issue, I was told by Carol that indigo devel on 2016 was allowing full body operation, but I didn't see much...
> You are correct that a zero value is not appropriate. Instead, the motion planner should monitor the feedback position and command it to remain stationary. @ted-miller And is it...
Hey to all, **I found a solution to the problem**, by changing the default behavior of the Motoman driver when processing a `multi-group` trajectory with missign robot groups (i.g. 2...
I was also curious to know if the solution would allow for single arm + torso trajectory execution while keeping the other arm still (obviously relative to the torso joint),...
As an update I happen to recognize that the action controller is setting the multi-group trajectories commands as ABORTED, right after the new goal has been processed and send to...
@carolMartinez @zzx9636 If you happen to have a little spare time, could you please try PR #259 and verify that multi groups motion execution (start, stop, abortion) are working properly,...
**The Second Commit** addresses the issue explained in #251 in which multi-group trajectories are never set as `succeded` by the `JointTrajectoryAction` server. It also addresses the lack of error checking...
@tdl-ua could I ask you to check the console stream in debug level, and look if anything looks odd? Most likely the `withinGoalConstrains` implementation for multi-group trajectories is not working...