
Results 7 issues of DanTaranis

your tool is awesome!! a very common type of label is polylines/polygones/contours (all really the same thing). Please please add support for it like you support bounding boxes.

why do you need : "View and manage documents that this application has been installed in" permissions?

### Proposal Summary I would want [to_patches()](https://voxel51.com/docs/fiftyone/user_guide/app.html#viewing-object-patches) to be as though I am seeing a bunch of crops of the image and it's metadata. So I would expect to retain...


when I : ``` from fsspec.registry import known_implementation print(known_implementations["gcs"]) ``` I get: ``` {'class': 'gcsfs.GCSFileSystem', 'err': 'Please install gcsfs to access Google Storage'} ``` However, I have already installed gcsfs...

This library is awesome. However I want to pretrain on small patches and then transfer learn on larger images. torchvision has a really great helper function for their [vision transformer...

Hi - I'd like to do patches of size 32x32, and a smaller model in general. any thing I change breaks the entire code. It would be really helpful if...

Hey - first of all - thank you for your inspiring research. there's a lot of work around how to make efficient self attention - especially as the sequence length...