Damons Sun
Damons Sun
same question hope this problem be fixed
同样遇到这个问题 这个是因为什么原因?
Yes! ``` int test2() { std::string original = "戦場のヴァルキュリア3"; int size_of_str = original.size(); // size_of_str = 31; auto bdata = original.data(); static constexpr auto pattern = ctll::fixed_string{"\\w+|[^\\w\\s]+"}; auto matcher =...
by the way, if I use this string : std::string original = "Media.Vision"; ctre , ICU library and rust, they give same three matches: 1. "Media" 2. "." 3. "Vision"
Thanks very much @marzer @iulian-rusu I know it is hard to fully support for unicode regex! For my question, I write pattern like this : ``` static constexpr auto pattern...
做这个的原因是因为 目前的看到fuse_multiheadattention.cpp 中的attention mask都是attribute 按道理说attention mask应该是输入,因为有可能每次推理的mask都是不一样的
> ``` > torch.unbind op_3 1 3 4 5 6 7 dim=0 > ``` > > 这里的输出 5 没有使用到? sorry 我改了一下: ``` class fuse_multiheadattention_pass_20 : public GraphRewriterPass { public: const...
经过调试发现这样是可以的: ``` class fuse_multiheadattention_pass_20 : public GraphRewriterPass { public: const char* match_pattern_graph() const { return R"PNNXIR(7767517 15 16 pnnx.Input input_0 0 1 0 pnnx.Input attn_mask 0 1 1 nn.Linear op_0...
I also think it is better to process image and table , like mathpix.