Dale McCoy

Results 22 comments of Dale McCoy

I believe I'm experiencing this exception too. For me, changing the last line of `GetRuntimeMethodForVirtual`, in StubHelper.cs, to ```cs return type.GetMethod(methodInfo.Name, bindingFlags, null, types, null) ?? type.GetMethod($"{methodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName}.{methodInfo.Name}", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic,...

I'm also running into this. A loading station that overloads and then corrects may be wrong, but the existing message is also wrong. If loading stations must not overload-and-correct, a...

CsWin32 doesn't appear to wrap the Win32 APIs into things that are sensible for .NET developers. For example, `SetupDiGetClassDevs` from this package returns an IDisposable, while CsWin32 generates a method...

I think you can do this by setting the sheet to produce -120/m copper ore: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21223975/175452455-9e406f21-b67b-4238-ba9d-1f50d185aaa7.png)

This would be interesting to me. My current solution is make a copy of my mods folder and disable things like Transport Drones and Text Plates, but that's not a...

@ChristophGra I can't reproduce this in either 0.5.8 or master. What mods and milestones were you using?

I still can't reproduce this. I deleted several milestones with no issues. Will you attach a new save instead, please? Also, will you attach a YAFC file if it doesn't...

I can reproduce this now, but fixing it turned out to be beyond me. Something's weird about your selection of milestones, but that's all I can say for sure.

It turns out this is not the bug I first thought it was. I can adjust the column headers, but they are not clearly associated with the columns they control....

Here's a demonstration of me mis-handling the undo system. Load [DeleteUnusedTest.yafc.zip](https://github.com/ShadowTheAge/yafc/files/9051617/DeleteUnusedTest.yafc.zip) with [this mod list](https://github.com/ShadowTheAge/yafc/files/9051612/mod-list.zip), and use either of the two new buttons. Then try to undo the changes. After...