Daniel Archuleta

Results 4 issues of Daniel Archuleta

I'd love to contribute to the Windows version of sc-controller, but I'm not even sure where I'd go to learn about drivers, specifically the steam controller drivers, and anything else...

Was playing Black Ops 3 Zombies, noticed right trigger was being pressed when I was running around. Thought it may be a sensitivity issue, so increased right trigger analog range...

Unable to autostart distrod, C drive not found. Using WSL Arch. $ sudo /opt/distrod/bin/distrod enable --start-on-windows-boot [Distrod] Distrod has been enabled. Now your shell will start under systemd. [Distrod] Enabling...

I have a different path for Steam through Flatpak, I tried pointing to Steam and com.valvesoftware.Steam and netiher one works with the script. Any help would be appreciated.