Not sure I quite understand the exact feature you're looking for here, so I'll list a few potential options below: - Pets can be directly created with specific metadata using...
I can't seem to replicate this on any of the later snapshot builds :\
Is MySQL support enabled?
Can you provide a timings report to accompany your ticket? :)
I need the actual report so I can see where the problem might be :3
Yep, that's the one. I'll see what I can do.
Could I have a look at your hologram data file too?
Have either of you got MySQL enabled? I know there's a problem that has to be fixed in that general area, so I'm wondering if this is related.
All heavy saving-related tasks in EchoPet v3 are [executed asynchronously](https://github.com/DSH105/EchoPet/blob/3.x/modules/API/src/main/java/com/dsh105/echopet/api/plugin/SQLPetManagerImpl.java#L50), meaning that this sort of problem won't arise. I've added the `3.x` milestone to this issue, as it would be...
I can't seem to reproduce this locally. Might there be something else coming into play here?