plz send dump file to us `/logger dump`
已经收到你的反馈,正在全力排查中 依照代码报错判断,极有可能是潜影盒导致ChestLogger事件报错, 已经提交到未来bug修复中,还劳烦你的等待。^_^ Your feedback has been received, and it is under investigation According to the code, it is most likely that the shulker box caused the ChestLogger event to...
plz update
> I created this build temporarily: https://github.com/resi23/Images/releases/tag/v2.3.3 its Supports 1.20.5/6 Spigot and Paper Server > > This is not an official build. Keep an eye on the [Spigot page](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/custom-images.53036/) for...
> I created this build temporarily: https://github.com/resi23/Images/releases/tag/v2.3.3 its Supports 1.20.5/6 Spigot and Paper Server > > This is not an official build. Keep an eye on the [Spigot page](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/custom-images.53036/) for...